The stars that you are

I love you hyung! I couldn't wait any longer uwu

I want to be with you because you make me happy.
It sounds selfish right now but please continue to hear me out.

I am not a big fan of change but since my arrival here, theres a number of things to adjust to. During my adjustment period, I am prone to fight and be nasty to others as I am on high alert, carefully stuying my new environment.
Sadly, all the stress of what I mentioned, I happen to lash it out on you BUT you didn't take it to heart and took your time to talk to me about it. I started to adore you.
We grew closer because of it and it made me think that I don't have to walk around with my walls up so high.

Hyungie naturally drew me out to seek skinship.
Being physically close to you felt so natural. Hugging, letting you pet my head, playing with your tail and finally - kissing you, not just your cheeks but your lips too.
I can't even begin how you make me feel when I'm close to you hyung. I just know that I love every moment I get to spend time with you and cherish the small the small moment we catch each other when on busy days.

I'm comfortable, I'm happy, you make my heart feel alive. You're everything beautiful in this world. I want to care for you and love you the way I know you deserve, if not - give you everything that I am without holding back.

Hyung, you deserve an honest, pure and loving relationship in every multiverse that exists. All I ask is that in this one, will you please give me the honor of caring and loving for you by being my boyfriend?

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